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See what all the BUZZ is about

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Our Story

Like most ideas, the story of Buzz Logistics starts with a problem. In 2015 we were all working in logistics in different capacities. While it was stressful, we were young and it was also fun! We are problem solvers, fixers and working in transportation was the perfect industry to allow us to "work hard and play hard."

Then something crazy happened. All of a sudden, late nights out turned into up all night with kids. We needed schedule flexibility, we needed bosses who understood what it is like to have a sick kid home from school. We needed to be more present for our families and it just seemed impossible in this industry.

We all went separate ways but stayed connected and remained close friends. Then we started to miss it...talking to customers every day, flexing our problem solving skills and just working together again. After months of conversations we left "steady" jobs to start brokering freight again. We are growing and will continue do grow, but this time we will do it our way.

At Buzz Logistics we are different. We will be a partner our customers can count on. We will be carrier advocates and treat drivers with respect. We will treat all of our partners with integrity and transparency. We will truly care about our employees and show that through our actions.


Thanks for visiting our site, we are genuinely happy you are here and hope to connect/collaborate.

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